Mental Health Reporting Workshop

How to approach these stories in ways that are rooted in people, not policy


  • COLab is an independent, nonprofit, statewide journalism coalition, media resource hub, and ideas lab. We serve all Coloradans by strengthening high-quality local journalism, supporting civic engagement, and ensuring public accountability.

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Times are tough all over, maybe more so than any point in most of our – and our communities’ – lifetimes. That’s why COLab and our partners launched “On Edge,” a project about how Coloradans are experiencing this time of uncertainty and upheaval from a mental health perspective.

COLab reporters and coaches Tina Griego and Susan Greene, who are leading the On Edge project, both have years of experience writing about mental health, vulnerable communities and other sensitive issues. During a virtual brown bag lunch on Nov. 24, 2020, Griego and Greene offered some do’s and don’ts of mental health reporting and column-writing and discussed how to approach these stories in ways that are rooted in people, not policy.

Tip sheet

workshop recording