Judges in Denver and El Paso County Order Disclosure of Data Centers’ Water Consumption Records


  • The Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition is a nonpartisan alliance of groups, news organizations and individuals dedicated to ensuring the transparency of state and local governments in Colorado by promoting freedom of the press, open courts and open access to government records and meetings.

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Court rulings in Denver and El Paso County this month rejected arguments from public utilities that water usage records for large data processing centers are confidential under the Colorado Open Records Act.

In separate decisions, judges ordered the Denver Water Board and the city of Colorado Springs to turn over records to Business Insider and its senior editor for investigations, Hannah Beckler.

“The results in both cases were absolutely clear from the outset,” said Steve Zansberg, the news organization’s attorney. “Like eight other public utilities in Colorado who freely provided the same records to Business Insider, nothing prohibited Denver Water or Colorado Springs Utilities from doing so.”