Online Public Clearinghouse for Pre-Introduced Bills Gets Renewed Support in Colorado Legislature


  • The Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition is a nonpartisan alliance of groups, news organizations and individuals dedicated to ensuring the transparency of state and local governments in Colorado by promoting freedom of the press, open courts and open access to government records and meetings.

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An online clearinghouse of pre-introduced legislative proposals — an idea that died on the General Assembly’s calendar in 2024 — gained new life Monday when a Colorado House committee unanimously passed a measure that delays the project’s implementation until 2028.

Under House Bill 25-1069, lawmakers could opt to post drafts or titles of bills they are considering for an upcoming session “on a publicly accessible web page” on the legislature’s website.

“The idea behind this is to facilitate interactions with more and more stakeholders so as to ensure that all Coloradans are able to contribute their thoughts to particular bills,” said sponsoring Rep. Stephanie Luck, R-Penrose, the proponent of last year’s unsuccessful House Bill 24-1022, which passed the House but didn’t get out of the Senate Appropriations Committee.