Chasing Progress

Examining socio-economic and health equity among Black and Latino Coloradans over the last decade

About the Project

Chasing Progress is an ongoing COLab-led multi-newsroom project examining socio-economic and health equity among Black and Latino Coloradans over the last decade. The project traces back to I-News/RMPBS’ Losing Ground, which in 2013 tracked equity gaps in poverty levels, homeownership rates, educational attainment and median family income among Black, Latino and white Coloradans from 1960-2010. The name, “Losing Ground,” announced its findings. 

Chasing Progress examines the decade from 2010-2020, a period that saw a historically long economic expansion sandwiched by the upheavals of the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic. The ongoing series looks not only at what happened, but why and how and what comes next. 

The Stories

Chasing Progress

Maria Bocanegra Tejeda awakens as the rising sun lights her room. Her room. In the house her family owns. That fact is still capable of surprising her, so far removed it is from her cousins’ crowded trailer in the crowded mobile home park where she spent nearly half of her 22 years. The night before, she draped her navy graduation...
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Buscando Avances

Maria Bocanegra Tejeda se despierta mientras el sol alumbra su habitación. Su habitación. En la casa que le pertenece a su familia. Ese hecho todavía es capaz de sorprenderla, tan distante de la casa rodante llena de gente de sus primos, en la comunidad de casas rodantes llena de gente donde pasó casi la mitad de sus 22 años.   La...
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The Collaboration

We are grateful to our partner newsrooms, including The Colorado Sun, Chalkbeat, Kaiser Health News, The Denver Post, Boulder Reporting Lab, The Denver VOICE, KGNU, and The Sentinel

We are also grateful to the community members of the Black and Latinx Voices initiatives. They have helped guide Chasing Progress with their feedback, brainstorming and own story ideas.


Progress and Inequity in Colorado

We’re out with our latest installment of Chasing Progress, our collaborative reporting project examining equity gaps in Colorado.  Yesterday's piece is by John Herrick of the nonprofit The Boulder Reporting Lab (Johnny’s name may be familiar to you all who followed us from the Colorado Independent.) Johnny dug through the data and did a ton of interviews to examine a longstanding issue in the Boulder...
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Listen: Colorado Narrows the Opportunity Gap but Equity Still ‘A Dream Unrealized’

Ideally, the color of your skin doesn't determine your opportunities in areas like education or housing, and a new report suggests that Colorado, more than any other state, is inching closer to that goal. But it also finds that equity remains "a dream unrealized." Host Chandra Thomas Whitfield speaks with reporter Tina Griego of the Colorado News Collaborative.
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“A Dream Unrealized”

On Thursday, we launched "Chasing Progress," our latest reporting collaboration with partner newsrooms across the state. Chasing Progress examines the social, economic and health equity of Black and Latino Coloradans over the last decade. It’s a multi-story project that will roll out over the coming weeks and months — and it gave me an experience I've never had in more...
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This project was made possible through collaboration between multiple newsrooms and journalists across the state, who are active partners in the Colorado News Collaborative, or COLab.

To support the statewide effort, donate to the Colorado News Collaborative.