Chasing Progress
- Photo by Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post
About the Project
Chasing Progress is an ongoing COLab-led multi-newsroom project examining socio-economic and health equity among Black and Latino Coloradans over the last decade. The project traces back to I-News/RMPBS’ Losing Ground, which in 2013 tracked equity gaps in poverty levels, homeownership rates, educational attainment and median family income among Black, Latino and white Coloradans from 1960-2010. The name, “Losing Ground,” announced its findings.
Chasing Progress examines the decade from 2010-2020, a period that saw a historically long economic expansion sandwiched by the upheavals of the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic. The ongoing series looks not only at what happened, but why and how and what comes next.

The Stories
Chasing Progress
Buscando Avances
Después de 50 años, la brecha entre los coloradenses blancos e hispanos dueños de su vivienda disminuye. Pero para los coloradenses negros, está aumentando.
Homeownership Gap Between White and Latino Coloradans Narrows. But for Black Coloradans, It’s Widened.
Grupos locales lideran esfuerzos para cerrar la brecha de mortalidad infantil en Colorado
Grassroots Groups Lead Way on Closing Colorado’s Infant Mortality Gap
Pesa el legado de Trump, mientras Colorado busca zanjar la brecha del seguro de salud hispano
Trump’s Legacy Looms Large as Colorado Aims to Close the Hispanic Insurance Gap
La brecha de pobreza entre personas negras y latinas mayores aumentó en la última década
Poverty Gap for Black and Latino Senior Citizens Grew Over Last Decade
El Distrito Escolar del Valle de Boulder castiga a los estudiantes negros y latinos en tasas desproporcionadamente más altas que la mayoría de los distritos en Colorado. Los padres siguen pidiendo que acepte la responsabilidad.
Boulder Valley School District Punishes Black and Latino Students at Disproportionately Higher Rates Than Most Colorado Districts. Parents Continue Calls for Accountability.
Colorado cuenta con grandes brechas de quién termina la universidad. ¿Puede un esfuerzo pospandémico cambiar esta tendencia?
Colorado Has Big Gaps in Who Finishes College. Can a Post-Pandemic Push Turn the Tide?
Nuevos datos sugieren que la disparidad de suspensiones entre los estudiantes latinos de Boulder High es la mayor en BVSD
New Data Suggests Boulder High Has BVSD’s Largest Suspension Disparity for Latino Students
A Pesar De Tasas De Pobreza Históricamente Bajas, Sigue Siendo Difícil Que Las Personas Latinas Y Negras En Colorado Alcancen La Estabilidad Económica
Latino and Black Poverty Rates in Colorado Are Near Historic Lows, but Economic Stability Remains Elusive
The Collaboration
We are grateful to our partner newsrooms, including The Colorado Sun, Chalkbeat, Kaiser Health News, The Denver Post, Boulder Reporting Lab, The Denver VOICE, KGNU, and The Sentinel.
We are also grateful to the community members of the Black and Latinx Voices initiatives. They have helped guide Chasing Progress with their feedback, brainstorming and own story ideas.
Progress and Inequity in Colorado
Listen: Colorado Narrows the Opportunity Gap but Equity Still ‘A Dream Unrealized’
“A Dream Unrealized”
This project was made possible through collaboration between multiple newsrooms and journalists across the state, who are active partners in the Colorado News Collaborative, or COLab.
To support the statewide effort, donate to the Colorado News Collaborative.