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SRCCON is a peer-led conference from OpenNews for journalists who want to transform their work, their organizations, and their communities. SRCCON 2023 will be held October 17-18 in Minneapolis.

SRCCON sessions are workshops, not panels. Conversations, not presentations. This is a hands-on event about changing journalism — with topics you don’t see at traditional conferences, and sessions that help people imagine a better future together. The whole program (including breaks and meals!) is about discussion and connection as peers.

Curious about how it all works? There won’t be a separate ticket lottery or sale date, so if you want to come to SRCCON 2023, the call for participation form will be open till June 16 for your session proposals and to apply for a travel or caregiving scholarship. The call for participation is how to let OpenNews know you’d like to attend!

As space remains available, they will keep the call for participation open for tickets only after the June 16 deadline, but applying by that date is your best chance to attend.

The call for participation form includes questions to tell OpenNews about all the ways you might want to participate at SRCCON, including as an attendee or a session facilitator. Entries will be reviewed and notifications will be made by June 28. If invited to attend or facilitate a session, you will receive a link to purchase a ticket with prices starting at $250 plus fees.

From SRCCON: “We say it “Source con”—SRC as in source code, CON as in conference, you can say it however you want!”

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