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The Art of Asking Questions

The Center for Public Deliberation’s SCOOP event will be held at the Old Town Library in Fort Collins from 6:00 to 7:30pm on Wednesday, June 21.  This free program will be led by CPD Director Martin Carcasson, and focus on the “Art of Asking Questions.” 

Asking questions is a critical democratic and collaborative problem solving skill, but in reality is rarely taught. Martin will share some key insights from the CPD facilitation training and the broader engagement and conflict management research on asking questions.

Participants will then work together to identify or develop questions for us to be asking about our community (which may then be used as weekly questions in the Coloradoan Conversations platform or future SCOOP events). Be sure to bring your own best practices or resources for asking good questions to share!

Presented by The Deliberative Journalism Project.

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