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Amplify Colorado: Community Narratives

Research and statistics by and about our diverse communities

About These Resources

In the social reckoning following the police killing of George Floyd, Colorado’s communities of color called upon local news media to do better. Do better at reporting with nuance and accuracy. Do better with overall representation in news coverage. Do better at understanding systemic barriers. And, do better with educating themselves about the history and current lives of our state’s communities of color. What unites them, what distinguishes them?

COLab helped lead conversations over the following two years with Black, Latinx, Indigenous and AANHPI communities and journalists who identified as members of these communities. Each group issued recommendations for more accurate, inclusive news coverage. This resource hub represents the start of fulfilling one of the recommendations: a way for journalists to educate themselves.

As one participant in Indigenous Voices community meetings said: “As soon as we get a local journalist kind of trained and up to par and they know what to do, and they know how to talk about it, they move, they leave to go to another station or to another state. And we have to start all over again.”

Elsewhere in the report accompanying the Indigenous Voices recommendations:

“Many participants’ most pressing request is that journalists — and all Coloradans — understand what makes Indigenous people in Colorado unique. The strengths and everyday life of Indigenous communities should be covered routinely and not just during Native American Heritage Month, Indigenous Peoples Day, Thanksgiving or when topics like mascots, place names and holidays are in the public eye.”

The Amplify Colorado resource hub seeks to build a collection of research, studies and other reports by people of color for journalists and the general public. It is a starting point for deeper understanding and better reporting. If you have research, studies or other material that speaks to this mission, please reach out to us here

The Narratives

Truth, Restoration & Education Reports: Learn The Truth About American Indian History And Treaty Rights In Colorado

The TREC report provides a comprehensive examination of the extensive damage endured by Native peoples due to forced relocation, illegal seizure of land, violations of human rights, acts of violence, warfare, deceptive practices, and other illicit actions perpetrated by the state of Colorado, its citizens, and the US government and federal agents over the past 170 years. The TREC report ...

The Colorado Lotus Project: A Statewide Look at the Strengths and Barriers Facing Colorado’s Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Community

The Colorado Lotus Project is a groundbreaking effort to uplift the unique voices and experiences of Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (AANHPI) people living in the state. This project was conceptualized and spearheaded by AANHPI leaders who were tired of seeing their communities viewed as a monolith. This work brings together rich information and is a ...

Reach, Representation and Respect: Recommendations to Improve Relations Between Indigenous Communities and Local News in Colorado

The Voices Initiative began in January of 2021 as a community organizing project of the nonprofit Free Press, Colorado Media Project (CMP) and the Colorado News Collaborative (COLab). It was then called News Voices: Colorado.  While the name and some of the players have changed, the larger goal remains the same: reshaping a relationship among local newsrooms and communities of ...

‘Fighting To Be Seen:’ A Call From Colorado’s AANHPI Communities for Equitable and Just Local News

The Voices Initiative began in January of 2021 as a community organizing project of the nonprofit Free Press, Colorado Media Project (CMP) and the Colorado News Collaborative (CO-Lab). It was then called News Voices: Colorado. While the name and some of the players have changed, the larger goal remains the same: reshaping a relationship among local newsrooms and communities of ...

Read the Report — ‘Think Big. Act Now.’ A Call to Action from Latinx Coloradans for Equitable and Just Local News

In the spring of 2021, a group of Latinx Coloradans from across generations, regions and professions began meeting to tackle a series of questions: What would it take to ensure that local news coverage reflects, respects and reaches out to the state’s Latinx communities? What actions must newsrooms, community members and funders take to create a future in which Latinx ...

Read the Report — ‘The Time is Right Now:’ A Call to Action from Black Coloradans for Anti-Racist and Just Local News

In early 2021, News Voices: Colorado — a collaboration among the Colorado News Collaborative (COLab), Colorado Media Project and Free Press — convened the Black Voices Working Group. The group, made up of Black leaders, storytellers, journalists, funders and community members, focused on how to improve access to trustworthy news and information for Black residents throughout the state and sought ...


Forced Relocation and Human Rights Abuses: New Report Details Indigenous Treatment in Colorado and Recommends How To Restore Rights

A report released today aims to quantify the historic loss of life, land and precious resources for 10 Native nations historically in Colorado, and asks the state to help “mend all that has been broken between Colorado’s original inhabitants and the settler community.”   The privately...
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Report Finds Colorado Was Built on $1.7 Trillion of Land Expropriated From Tribal Nations

A report published this week by a Native American-led nonprofit examines in detail the dispossession of $1.7 trillion worth of Indigenous homelands in Colorado by the state and the U.S. and the more than $546 million the state has reaped in mineral extraction from them....
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What Asian Coloradans Face

The Colorado Lotus Project disaggregated data about the state's Asian American, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander communities, revealing new findings. One of my biggest pet peeves when I tell people I’m originally from Colorado is the knee-jerk reaction: “Whoa, beautiful state — and isn’t...
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Helping Reporters and Community Connect: What AANHPI Coloradans Want From News Coverage

Last Thursday, Joie Ha, 29, the daughter of ethnic Chinese refugees from Vietnam, stood before an optimistic gathering of about 40 people amid Lunar New Year decorations and Valentine-festooned tablecloths at Happy Living cultural and senior center in Aurora.  Margaret "Malama" Savelio and Kanani Lukela Ropati...
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Making Ourselves Visible: A Conversation with Latinx Community Members

We gathered again at the Denver Press Club last week for another mixer with a mission. In October, that gathering was between journalists and Black community members. Last week, it was journalists and Latinx community members. Each gathering picked up the thread of a long-running conversation: how...
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What It Will Take for Local News Outlets to (Re)Build Trust With Black Community Members

Last week, a few of the state’s larger newsrooms, networks and The Denver Press Club hosted a mixer billed “Cocktails & Conversation” for local Black community members and journalists. About 50 people showed up, crowding upstairs in the historic downtown club in a hubbub of...
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This project was made possible through the financial support of individuals and foundations who believe stronger local newsrooms mean stronger communities and a stronger democracy.

Please support our ongoing work to encourage, guide and grow collaborative journalism in Colorado.