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Join The Movement

Every Coloradan deserves local news. COLab, the Colorado News Collaborative, unites journalists from nearly 150 news outlets with allies and supporters to strengthen trustworthy, public-interest news statewide. Together, we can increase the scope, quantity and quality of civic news — the kind that holds power to account and helps Coloradans participate in healthy communities and a responsive democracy.

Building a movement for local journalism takes all Coloradans.

(Photo credit: Alyson McClaran)


Here’s how you can get involved:

For journalists

Whether you are working in a Colorado newsroom or you are a freelance journalist, journalism educator or student in the state, you’re invited to join COLab — for free. Connect with other journalists across Colorado and gain access to resources, training and more. Make your journalism and your community stronger.

Join COLab

Events & Opportunities

Knowledge Center


For Community

Sign up for our newsletter. Read work from our COLab journalists and partners statewide, gain insight into the impact we’re making on the media landscape, learn about public events and more.

Support our work with a donation. Invest in turning the tide of Colorado’s news crisis. Help us foster the movement. 

Follow COLab on Twitter and Facebook, and share our work. Champion the importance of public-interest news.

Participate in an event.

Share your story ideas. Ask us questions. Let us know if you live in a news desert. Tell Colorado journalists what you see and what you want to know.

Find your local newsroom.

Volunteer with us when opportunities become available.