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Past Opportunities

The NAJA-AAJA Pacific Islander Journalism Scholarship Fund is intended to grow the number of Pacific Islander journalists and support their success. Scholarships are intended to help Indigenous peoples of the Pacific, particularly Polynesians, Micronesians and Melanesians, pursue careers in journalism, especially in the U.S. and U.S.-affiliated Pacific islands. Administered by the Native American Journalists Association, […]
Presented by Experts on Camera from SciLine: Food Insecurity Food insecurity—lacking consistent access to enough nutritious food—was already on the rise in the U.S. when SNAP benefits (food stamps) were cut this spring for residents of 35 states. Available Expert: Dr. Hilary Seligman is a professor of medicine and of epidemiology and biostatistics, at the University of California, San […]
You’re invited to join a virtual event to dive into the recommendations in the newly-released report — Reach, Representation and Respect: Recommendations to Improve Relations Between Indigenous Communities and Local News in Colorado — which extols the counsel of members of Indigenous communities in Colorado for better and more effective news coverage.  We encourage you […]
Journalists want to get the facts right, but we don’t always have the support to get there. From the time PublicSource was a 5-person organization, they’ve had some version of a fact-checking process in place. It has evolved over the years as their team has grown to 15, and they’ve learned from other newsrooms with […]
Presented by Experts on Camera from SciLine: Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids May is Better Hearing Month—and after a recent federal rule change, hearing aids can now be purchased over the counter. Available Expert: Dr. Nicholas Reed is an audiologist and assistant professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University. He can discuss topics including: –Risk factors for hearing […]
Eight virtual sessions in the Accelerate Local How-To Series focus on growth strategies for local media including reader revenue, branded content, journalism funded by philanthropy and first-party data. Every hour of learning offers actionable takeaways, real-world examples and opportunities to ask questions from media companies that have adopted and refined successful strategies for new revenue. Once you […]
This fellowship for public media journalists will strengthen news leadership and ethical decision-making skills. Over nine months, participants will receive individual coaching, learn from industry experts, collaborate in small peer groups, and work on a personal project that will benefit their newsroom and their own leadership. This fellowship requires participation in twice-monthly online workshops, along […]
As part of a three-year immersive experience with initial funding of $3.2 million from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Local Media Association will select eight additional local media companies to participate in Cohort 3 of the lab, which will continue to focus on technology upgrades, business transformation and shared learning opportunities. Selected […]