Past Opportunities

When journalists learn about the science behind trauma, they ask better questions and produce more informed and useful stories for their communities. Join the third in a series of four workshops exploring the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences and the policies and practices of trauma-informed care. You’ll learn how to incorporate this knowledge […]
The Online News Association (ONA) is continuing the popular series of community meetups and idea swaps — both virtually and in person — throughout 2023. Join in on Wednesday, Feb. 8, for the first event of 2023, Accessibility Pros (a11y) Idea Swap.  Participants will dive into accessibility best practices and connect with product leaders, advocates and others interested in […]
SciLine has helped thousands of journalists add small but important doses of science to their local news stories. Now, we’re offering a FREE one-hour “crash course”—designed specifically for local and general assignment reporters—to teach basic principles about how science works and ways it can be used to strengthen virtually any news story. Former longtime Washington […]
Applications are now open for the ProPublica Investigative Editor Training Program. Submissions are due on Monday, March 13, 2023. ProPublica will be hosting an informational webinar on Feb. 7 at 1 p.m. MST. You can register and submit questions in advance here. Beginning this summer, ProPublica will invite up to 10 news editors from media companies across the […]
The Lenfest News Philanthropy Summit will be held over two days on Tuesday, January 31 and Wednesday, February 1, 2023. It is fully virtual and free to all. The theme of the Summit is Transformation. Through hands-on workshops, inspiring keynotes, and peer sharing, participants will explore how we can transform the ways we sustain news […]
The International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors (ISWNE) is accepting entries for its annual Golden Quill editorial writing contest. Deadline is Feb. 1, 2023. Entries should reflect the purpose of the ISWNE: Encouraging the writing of editorials or staff-written opinion pieces that identify local issues that are or should be of concern to the community, […]
Jason Vitello is the Past President of the Colorado Public Health Association, Equity and Community Development Manager at the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, a practitioner at the Public Health Institute at Denver Health, and an Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver. His ultimate interest is in […]
General Circulation Journalism Award The NIHCM Foundation Health Care General Circulation Journalism Awards recognize excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of health care and the impact of health care policy. Entry is free. A $20,000 prize will be presented to the General Circulation Award winner. Deadline: January 31 at […]
The Sidney Hillman Foundation is now accepting entries for the 2023 Hillman Prizes honoring excellence in investigative journalism and commentary in service of the common good. The Hillman Prizes celebrate investigative reporting and deep storytelling that exposes social and economic injustice and leads to meaningful public policy change. The 2023 Hillman Prizes will be awarded in the following […]