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The Daily Rewind Podast: “Vox Populi”

An in-depth interview from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel with Colorado News Collaborative Managing Editor Tina Griego. The discussion covers COLab’s latest project, Voter Voices, a statewide survey meant to

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An Embarrassment of Riches

Aspen is Colorado’s last two-newspaper town.  Locals there have free access to daily reporting by the Aspen Times and Aspen Daily News, and to the work of Aspen Journalism and Aspen Public Radio. Four news outlets

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“A Dream Unrealized”

On Thursday, we launched “Chasing Progress,” our latest reporting collaboration with partner newsrooms across the state. Chasing Progress examines the social, economic and health equity of Black and Latino Coloradans

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On Fighting Cynicism

Dear reader,  My faith is rattled lately.  This is not so much a crisis of the spirit (although, like many of us, I’ve had my moments these past few years).

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Connecting More Dots

Dear reader,  About a week ago, not quite a dozen editors and reporters hopped on a call to talk about their COVID coverage, specifically, their coverage of Coloradans who have yet

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Watch: Right-to-be-Forgotten Panel

Join us for a discussion about the movement to minimize longterm harm in crime reporting Newsrooms in Colorado and nationally are starting to adopt policies seeking to reduce harm to criminal suspects and make it easier for them to move

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On Butting In

Dear reader, If I have learned anything about Kiowa County, it’s that the phrase “You’re not from around here” isn’t a compliment.  I’d been warned last spring by then-Eads-based journalist

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John Ferrugia joins COLab’s team!

Dear reader,  I am thrilled to announce that John Ferrugia has joined the COLab staff to help us strengthen news throughout Colorado.  John has won more professional honors than any other investigative

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Colorado’s Quietest Police Killing

Dear reader,  The people of Kiowa County woke Wednesday morning to an edition of their local newspaper unlike any other.  The cover story, “Three Bullets to the Back,” is a deep investigative

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Lineages of Harm, Futures of Repair

By Diamond Hardiman, News Voices: Colorado Across the country, outlets like The Los Angeles Times and The Kansas City Star have published apologies for how their coverage has upheld and

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Opening the Conversation

There are times when she does not recognize herself. Who is this cautious woman whose heart hammers when she hears her kids cough or when the latest national political outrage

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Working Together to Do Better

Dear reader, I want to introduce you to Alfonzo Porter. He is the thoughtful and talented editor of Denver Urban Spectrum, which serves the city’s Black community. But he is much more

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Silver Linings

Dear reader, Has this happened to you? I’ve now lost track of the number of times I’ve uttered “What an unbelievable year!” or some variation of that. But today, I’m

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Working Through Uncertainty

Dear reader,  Yesterday, Susan Greene was hard at work — helping a trio of our partner newspaper editors prep for a project with the Colorado News Collaborative. She helped lead a

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The Pits in Our Stomachs

Dear reader, Words generally come easily for me. But I have been struggling for seven months to name how it feels to live through this time. The pit in my

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Finding Connection

Dear reader,  We at COLab think a lot — one could say “obsessively” — about readers, listeners and viewers of local news. We think about people we know and whom

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On Longing

Dear reader, Tina and I have spent much of the last month knee-deep in documents for a difficult investigative project we’re still piecing together. So instead of a newsy newsletter,

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No Local News Is Bad News

“Tell me a bit about the broader consequences that we found happen to a community when they lose their sources of local news.” “Well, there’s a lot of things that

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The Hardest Stories

Colorado has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation. Under a grant from the Carter Center and family of Ben Rosenthal, we will be chronicling mental health issues here over the next year.

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Bright Lights in Dark Times

Dear reader, Our apologies for our recent radio silence. Our new project launch with COLab (the Colorado News Collaborative) has us gathering string and casting nets and mining veins, basically all the metaphors

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